Paratriathletes in Budapest

Nine paratriathletes recently competed in Budapest at the ETU Duathlon European Championships in the Hungarian capital.

Eight men and one woman from five countries (Hungary, France, Austria, Italy, Germany) competed across seven categories.

Edith Dasse (FRA) won her third gold medal in a row whilst the Austrian Martin Flach collected his fifth medal since 2006.

“The Budapest local organisers and the technical delegate, Jorge Garcia were well prepared for the paratriathletes competition”, said Thanos Nikopoulos, ITU’s paratriathlon coordinator. “A specific course was designated for a TR1 athlete which helped him to avoid the grass surface with his wheel chair. He was escorted by a technical official during the whole length of the race.”

The ETU supports the development of paratriathlon at European championship level, not just in triathlon, but also in duathlon and long distance triathlon. The next opportunity for competition will be on 4 July the ETU Triathlon European Championships in Holten, Netherlands.
