World Triathlon has imposed a period of ineligibility of three years on Russian triathlete Igor Polyanskiy for the presence of EPO in his urine and blood samples of 21July 2021. Furthermore, the Athlete’s results since 21 st of July 2021 are to be disqualified with all resulting consequences. Igor Polyanskiy took part in the Men’s individual race in Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games -where he finished in 43rd place-, and was part of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) Team in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games Mixed Relay -they finished in 14th place-, therefore he would be disqualified for both events, as would be the ROC Team.
World Triathlon reported in August that a sample collected from Igor Polyanskiy had returned an Adverse Analytical Finding (AAF) for recombinant Erythropoietin (EPO) (S2. Peptide, Hormones, Growth Factors, Related Substances, and Mimetics). The sample was collected by World Triathlon during an out-of-competition anti-doping control on 21 July 2021 in Vladivostok, Russia. World Triathlon was informed of the case on August 5, 2021, by the WADA-accredited laboratory.
On 15 August the Athlete signed a Waiver of Hearing and Acceptance of Consequences Form, waiving his right to the analysis of the B sample, thereby agreeing to accept any consequences proposed by World Triathlon.
The athlete admitted the Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) in the 20 days after receiving notice of the charge and therefore he benefits from a reduction of one year in the presumptive four-years period of ineligibility.
World Triathlon hereby imposes a period of ineligibility of three years on Igor Polyanskiy for the presence of EPO in his urine and blood samples in contravention to Article 2.1 of the Anti-Doping Rules (ADR). All the Athlete’s results and points earned since 21 July 2021 are to be disqualified with all resulting consequences including the forfeiture of any titles, awards, medals, points and prize and appearance money.
The Athlete will receive credit for the period of suspension already served. His period of ineligibility will therefore be backdated to 10 August 2021, the date the Athlete was provisionally suspended. He will be free to resume competition 10 August 2024.
During this period of ineligibility, the Athlete may not participate in any capacity in a Competition or activity (other than authorised anti-doping Education or rehabilitation programs) authorised or organised by any Signatory, Signatory’s member organisation, or a club or other member organisation of a Signatory’s member organisation, or in Competitions authorised or organised by any professional league or any international- or national-level Event organisation or any elite or national-level sporting activity funded by a governmental agency.