The organization is following its duties approaching to the event date, now lasting less than two weeks:
The two days week end of races for the first Itu International Salto Lake event, scheduled for the 22nd and the 23rd of july, taking place in the wonderful natural landscape of Appeninian mountains, promises to be really sparkling for both agonistic and cultural aspects, with a lot of side shows in sort that for athletes, coachs and spectators it will be a week end to remember.
For the first time after six years Itu circuit comse back to Latium, the region of Rome:
Last time that an Itu INt.l race took place in Latium was in 2000, when the 9th of April Anzio event was the witness of the explosion at high level of, at the time, junior Frederic Belaubre; in that day second to only german star Lothar Leder, everybody knows where Fred Belaubre has arrived now!
For the side shows and venues in the program of the week end Saturday will held¸ just after the end of the two races, the exhibiton of wake board pro riders training in salto lake at race site.
In the evening there will be a country feast with typical gastronomic products degustations in the street and the squares of hosting village.
Late in the night a disco party will take place in the disco of the official hotel La Duchessa, to relax and enjoy after a long race day.
Situated between the mountains of Salto valley and the highest peak of the Appeninian chain, the Gran Sasso ( big stone n.d.r), Salto Lake is a little jewel by a naturalistic and faunistic point of wiew.
Race courses present slight uphills and long flat parts ( all the run is flat).
Local communities of Pescorocchiano, Petrella Salto and the province of Rieti and all the org. staff are diligently operating to make Salto lake race an event ot remember for athletes, coachs, spectators and side people.
Stefano Spina
Press office Salto lake race