2023 World Triathlon Cup Tongyeong
1. Registration
All elite athletes,coaches and team officials must be registered by your National Federation through World Triathlon entry system.
2. Visa Requirement
- Athlets should get K-ETA in order to travel Korea (https://www.k-eta.co/)
- We could provide invitation letter if you need)
- Plese make sure documents you need to prepare through Korea Embassy in your country
- Passport’s date of expiry must be at least 6 months ahead.
3. Contact person
- Mok Lee: mok.lee@triathlon.or.kr
- Yen Son: yen.son@triathlon.or.kr
4. Event Detail
- Swim 750m(1 Lap), Bike 20km(3 Laps), Run 5km(2 Laps)
- Race Briefing: 19th October 16:45 (Hotel)
- Familiarization: 20th October
- Race day: 21st October
Swim Training Reservation: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScdawl4owvvOPJlSFQrJ7FJJ9dwKi-hrDZ8ZNHiArI3VgKKQA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Prize money distribution
Rank | Men | Women |
1st | 7,500 USD | 7,500 USD |
2nd | 6,000 USD | 6,000 USD |
3rd | 4,500 USD | 4,500 USD |
4th | 3,000 USD | 3,000 USD |
5th | 2,100 USD | 2,100 USD |
6th | 1,800 USD | 1,800 USD |
7th | 1,500 USD | 1,500 USD |
8th | 900 USD | 900 USD |
9th | 675 USD | 675 USD |
10th | 525 USD | 525 USD |
11th | 450 USD | 450 USD |
12th | 375 USD | 375 USD |
13th | 300 USD | 300 USD |
14th | 225 USD | 225 USD |
15th | 150 USD | 150 USD |