2023 Europe Triathlon Championships Madrid

2023 Europe Triathlon Championships Madrid will take place from the 2nd to the 4th of June
The event will be splitted in two venues; the traditional Casa de Campo venue, adding in 2023 the Royal Palace venue, that will host the main venue for the Elite races and the second transition, run course and finish for the Age Group Sprint event
Entry fees will be as follows;
- Elite 160 €
- Paratriathlon 140 €
- Age Group Standard 160 €
- Age Group Sprint 140 €
- Age Group Standard and Sprint 270 €
Below is the process of how entries will be managed for this event. We need you to identify the designated person in your NF to manage this process. Can you please send the name + email address to entries@triathlon.org and to Raquel Gonzalez Cascales services.madrid@triatlon.org
Age-Group entries - We are using the World Triathlon online system.
The entry flow will be: Athlete >>> NF >>> World Triathlon >>> LOC.
NFs to collect the athletes’ entry fees before registering them for the event.
Usual fields must be updated or checked: ‘Athlete email’, ‘Phone number’, ‘Emergency contact name ’ and ‘Emergency contact number’.
Additional fields must be filled (while registering the athlete, or at a later stage by accessing the athlete’s profile): Medication, Allergies, Illness, T-shirt size (XS to XXL).
This information will be saved in the Athlete’s profile and will be used for future events.
Medical information will be transferred to the medical team of the event where this athlete is registered to receive the most appropriate attention if needed.
Once registered by their NF, athletes will appear on the ‘wait lists’.
When entries close, the LOC will invoice the NFs.
No further AG athletes will be added once the invoice has been sent. Entries are final, and no reimbursement will be done after invoicing.
Athletes will not receive their race package if the NF has not paid the full invoice.
National Federations will have a maximum quota of twenty (20) athletes per gender, per Age-Group category.
FETRI, the host NF, will have a maximum quota of twenty-five (25) athletes per gender, per Age-Group category.
NFs with less than AG 50 athletes to register in total: registration has to be done in the World Triathlon online system. NFs with more than 50 AG athletes to register: same process as above OR excel bulk import done by the World Triathlon Entries Department (1 import only - all further changes will have to be done directly in the system or through the World Triathlon Entries Department).
Elite, Para - We are using the World Triathlon online system.
Similar process applies for Elite, Para.
NFs to collect the athletes’ entry fees before registering them for the event.
The entry flow will be: NF >>> World Triathlon >>> LOC.
On May 1 the event start lists are published.
World Triathlon will inform the LOC about the entries processed through the World Triathlon online system and LOC will invoice the NFs accordingly.
The LOC will send an invoice to each NF. Bank details for payment will be included in the invoice.
Once the payment is received, the LOC will inform World Triathlon. No reimbursement will be done after invoicing.
Athletes will not receive the race package if the invoice has not been paid.
Support team (applicable to all events)
The supporting team (Coach / Medical / Mechanic) - as defined in Competition Rules 10.6 - need to be registered only through the World Triathlon online system. The allocation of the supporting team`s accreditations will follow the World Triathlon Competition Rules quota (if the sanitary situation requires to do so, restrictions may be applied).
Event Elite Para AG Sprint AG Standard
Triathlon 160 € 140 € 160 € 140 €
270 €
All rates mentioned include taxes and VAT.
After the entries’ deadline the LOC will send an invoice to each NF. The invoice will be issued in Euros. Bank details for payment will be included in the invoice. Payment to be done in Euros.
We count on your support to pay the invoice as soon as you receive it.
No further athletes will be added once the invoice has been sent.
Entries are final, and no reimbursement will be done after invoicing. Neither is permitted to change from one event to another.
Similar process applies for Elite and Paratriathlon: those athletes also need to be registered through the World Triathlon online system.
World Triathlon will inform the LOC about the entries you have processed through the World Triathlon online system and LOC will invoice you accordingly.
The supporting team needs to be registered only through the World Triathlon online system.
2023 Madrid Europe Triathlon Championships
Friday 2 June 2023
• Elite Briefing and Race Package Distribution
• ParaTriathlon Briefing and Race Package Distribution
• Age Group Sprint and Standard Registration Madrid
Saturday 3 June 2023
• Age Group Olympic Europe Triathlon Championships
• ParaTriathlon Europe Triathlon Championships
• Age Group Sprint and Standard Registration Madrid
Sunday 4 June 2023
• Age Group Sprint Europe Triathlon Championships
• Elite Women Europe Triathlon Championships
• Elite Men Triathlon Europe Championships
• Elite and Age Group (Sprint and Standard) Medal Ceremonies
Cutoff times will be communicated soon.
Europe Triathlon Team Leader: TBC
Medical Delegate: TBC
LOC Entries/NFs Services : Raquel Gonzalez Cascales Services.madrid@triatlon.org
Rank | Elite Men | Elite Women |
1st | € 10,000 | € 10,000 |
2nd | € 8,000 | € 8,000 |
3rd | € 6,000 | € 6,000 |
4th | € 4,000 | € 4,000 |
5th | € 2,800 | € 2,800 |
6th | € 2,400 | € 2,400 |
7th | € 2,000 | € 2,000 |
8th | € 1,200 | € 1,200 |
9th | € 900 | € 900 |
10th | € 700 | € 700 |
11th | € 600 | € 600 |
12th | € 500 | € 500 |
13th | € 400 | € 400 |
14th | € 300 | € 300 |
15th | € 200 | € 200 |