Procedures to enter France as of May 20th 2021
For ALL travelers: The French government has implemented specific measures and provisions to ensure protection of the Health System and citizens and is controlling the health of all passengers arriving in France.
1/ Origin: EU countries + Switzerland/Norway/Iceland
- Test PCR Neg -72 h
- Attestation on the honor of no exposure and absence symptom - download here: https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/content/download/126150/1008802/file/04-02-2021-engagement-sur-l-honneur-plus-de-11-ans-version-anglaise.docx
- PCR test arrival territory.
Nations on Start and waiting list: France, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Denmark, Poland, Finland, Belgium, Iceland, Cyprus, Hungary, Czech Republic
The attestation on the honor together with a certified negative result of biological test for PCR done within the last 72h before your arrival in France needs to be presented to the airline companies before check-in as well as to the border control authorities.
2/ Origine outside the EU
- Test PCR Neg -72h.
- Attestation on the honor of no exposure and absence symptom - download here: https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/content/download/126182/1009061/file/21-01-2021-engagement-sur-l-honneur-plus-de-11-ans-version-anglaise.docx
- PCR test arrival territory.
- Isolation 7 days. *
- PCR Neg then isolation exit. *
* Measures in green not applied because of a compelling reason specified in the letter of the Ministry in charge of sports of May 12, 2021.
Nations on Start and waiting list: Great Britain, Russia, Australia, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Ukraine, Tapei, Serbia.
The attestation on the honor together with a certified negative result of biological test for PCR done within the last 72h before your arrival in France needs to be presented to the airline companies before check-in as well as to the border control authorities.
3/ High-risk country origin
- Compelling Reason
- Test PCR Neg -72h.
- Attestation on the honor of no exposure and absence symptom - download here: https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/content/download/127430/1018474/file/14-05-2021-engagement-sur-l-honneur-plus-de-11-ans-version-anglaise.docx
- Specific attestation “variants of interests” specifying place of isolation.
- PCR test arrival territory.
- Isolation 10 days in dedicated accommodation structure by ministerial decree.
- PCR Neg and then isolation exit.
Nations on Start and waiting list: Colombia, Brazil, Turkey.
If one of these nations or athletes can prove an arrival earlier than 14 days in the EU or out of the country identified as ‘variants of interest’, the applicable rule is that specified in paragraph 2 (Origin outside the EU).
For more information visit the following website:
Find out about all measures according to your country of departure (not nationality but your country of departure): https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/conseils-aux-voyageurs/informations-pratiques/article/coronavirus-covid-19 (Available in French, English, German, Arabic, Russian, Spanish).
In case of any doubts regarding the provisions to enter France you can call the toll free number (+33) 800 130 000.
Local Organising Contact Number: David Travadon:(+33)646121592 david.travadon@sfr.fr
To make your travel easier, the LOC can, on request, provide:
- Individual letters of invitation (assuming you have returned the excel spreadsheet required by the authorities with the adequate information),
- Letter from the Ministry of Sports specifying the imperious nature of the event
- Please contact: David Travadon: (+33) 646121592 david.travadon@sfr.fr