Pos Team Country Start
Time Leg 1 Leg 2 Leg 3 Leg 4
1 Team I Italy ITA 05:36:52 01:46:09 01:55:21 01:55:22 n/a
2 Team I Germany GER 05:28:44 01:49:34 01:42:13 01:56:57 n/a
3 Team I France FRA 05:39:37 01:48:29 01:55:07 01:56:01 n/a
4 Team I Switzerland SUI 05:52:27 01:52:54 01:57:54 02:01:39 n/a
5 Team I Liechtenstein LIE 06:39:23 01:52:15 02:23:33 02:23:35 n/a
Program Details
Program Notes

Distances: Run 8 km, Bike 15 km, Ski 10 km.
Head Referee: Lino Parmisano/ITA
Team total time is the addition of the three best times of the same NF athletes.