World Triathlon National Federation Open Hours looks back over 35 years of triathlon

by on 19 Apr, 2024 01:38 • Español
World Triathlon National Federation Open Hours looks back over 35 years of triathlon

The latest World Triathlon Open Hours took place on 17-18 April, with National Federations invited both to hear the latest news from the 2024 season, and share some of their memories and iconic images from over the years, as part of World Triathlon’s 35th birthday celebrations.

“What a wonderful opportunity to hear the recollections of our members and see once again some of the key moments from our 35-year history,” said World Triathlon President and IOC Member Marisol Casado. “It has been a privilege to be at the heart of the growth of our sport and to work with so many amazing people over the years, all pulling in the same direction for the development of triathlon’s place on the world stage. My thanks to all who have contributed to that over the years, and who shared their memories at this week’s Open Hours sessions.”

Former Secretary General and Vice President of World Triathlon Loreen Barnett recalled the story behind an image of Simon Whitfield crossing the line at Sydney 2000 to win the first ever men’s Olympic gold.

“I think it was David Hansen who came to me and asked if I would hold the finish banner, but it is who is off camera that is even more important. That was Michel Gignoux, who was such a mentor to all of us on the rules and technical side of the sport and how it evolved… he was the foundation and the rock behind the establishment of our rules. That was such an amazing event… and it still stands out as the standard we try to achieve.”

“I have to credit (first President of ITU) Les McDonald for the profile that he gave to women. It was his own grandmother who was a British suffragette and really embodied in him that it has to be a partnership between men and women. Yes he was the strong guy and the politician, but behind him, taking care of what we call the ‘look and feel’ of the sport and the relationships and the partnerships, I really think it was the women.”

Another former Secretary General and Vice President, Bill Walker was an integral figure as triathlon made its Olympic debut, and a driving force in Australian and World Triathlon. “We empowered young people to do things with us,” he recalled. “My message for future triathlon leaders is to look to your youth. Empower them, trust them and you will remain a dynamic and relevant sport.”

World Triathlon thanks Austria Triathlon, British Triathlon, the Bulgarian Triathlon Association, Triathlon Canada, the Colombian Triathlon Federation, Denmark Triathlon, the Egypt Triathlon Federation, Estonia Triathlon, the French Triathlon Federation, the German Triathlon Union, Gibraltar Triathlon, Hungarian Triathlon Union, Luxembourg Triathlon, Malta Triathlon, the Mexico Triathlon Federation, the Nigerian Triathlon Union, Norway Triathlon, Rwanda Triathlon Federation, Saudi Triathlon, Slovenia Triathlon, the Turkish Triathlon Federation, USA Triathlon and Zimbabwe Triathlon for sharing their memories and photos.

Special thanks, too, go to Loreen Barnett, Bill Walker, Terry Sheldrake, Rolf Ebeling and Neil Andrew McLeod.

You can watch the sessions back in English and French and find the presentation here.

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