World Triathlon Development February News

by on 11 Mar, 2024 07:02 • Español
World Triathlon Development February News

In February, World Triathlon celebrated reaching 10,000 members of the World Triathlon Education & Knowledge Hub! Ten years ago the Education Hub was designed to educate and bring our sport together. Thank you for being an important member of our community.

Other milestone events in February included -
National Federation (NF) Services
- The February edition of the NF Open hours, focused on development strategy discussions. We discovered how Continental Confederations are shaping the future of the sport and how World Triathlon’s investments are driving global progress.
- In Prague during the European Triathlons Presidence Conference, World Triathlon signed off on the 2024 World Triathlon - Europe Triathlon Development Agreement
- To remain in good standing, NF’s are reminded to complete their 2024 TRI Membership Obligations and submit as soon as possible to World Triathlon.

Athlete Development
- 14 Athletes who have the potential to qualify for the Paris Olympic Games through the Individual Olympic Ranking, the continental “new flag,” or the IOC Universality Invitational Places have been selected for the coveted World Triathlon Athlete Scholarships.  Read who the athletes are below and watch their progress as we head towards Paris 2024!
- World Triathlon has also extended the application deadline for the Team World Triathlon project linked to the World Cup in Chengdu, China. Application details are below.

Coach Education
- It is all about revalidation this March! CRoC revalidation - have you revalidated? Time is running out!
- Hear the inspirational stories of coaches from developing nations in various regions and how they apply their World Triathlon coaching knowledge.

Para Triathlon
- Applications closing soon for the World Triathlon support grants designed to offer financial assistance for Para Athletes’ for World Triathlon Para events with the objective of gaining Olympic Qualification points on the way to 2024 Paris. 

Technical Officials
- Algeria hosted a TO and Event Organiser course,
- European Technical Officials of the year were named and
- Winter World Championship Technical Officials shone in Italy, check out the video link below!


Development is in the epicentre of the NF Open Hours

The first session of the NF Open Hours occurred on February 14-15, allowing the Continental Confederations to introduce their development strategy and planning for 2024. On the first day, Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania presented, while on the second day, Oceania shifted to the Americas due to the time zone differences.

World Triathlon invests about 1.5 million USD annually into the development of the sport worldwide. Based on the annual continental development plan, most of this investment goes directly to the Continental Confederations and from the Continents to the National Federations. World Triathlon continuously develops and maintains the infrastructure, resources and services of the development and education framework.

Development is in the epicentre of the NF Open Hours

In summary -Africa Triathlon will focus on the implementation of the Development Regional Cups as a vehicle for the Coach, Athletes, Technical Officials and Event Organisers’ Development. This is expected to emphasise on coach education and facilitating athletes’ career pathway from junior towards U23 with tightened criteria in a junior development camp environment. Being in the Olympic/Paralympic year, elite athletes’ and Para triathletes’ support remains high to ensure the continent will take new flag slots.

Asia Triathlon Executive Board approved the new continental strategic plan last year, intending to foster the five subregion’s development and create a tailor-made program for each. Asia plans to introduce the Development Regional Cup concept as a development tool and keep coach education and Para triathlon initiatives on the top of their initiatives while improving the competitiveness of Asian athletes, which remains a top priority.

Americas Triathlon will organise nine Development Regional Cups in 2024 and use these events as a complex development tool for levelling up the capacity of athletes, coaches and Technical Officials.
Europe Triathlon continues its development structure set more than ten years ago by dividing support into two domains: application-based targeted direct support for National Federations and central development initiatives (camps, coaches and TOs education) implementation using World Triathlon Development Infrastructure. The successful launch of the 2023 Para Triathlon Horizon Programme in 2023 will be taken to the next level this year.

Oceania Triathlon has restructured targets and the implementation of the development programme by creating individual NF plans in each domain of development (Events, TOs, Coaches, Athletes and Governance). Instead of an expensive annual continental camp, Oceania aims to send experts to the nations to conduct specific projects based on their national needs. Human and financial investments will be set up to support the preparation of the following Mini Pacific Games in Palau in 2025.

Recordings & Presentations are available on
February 14-15, 2024 | Development
Webinar Recording (14 February session, English)
Webinar Recording (14 February session, French)
Webinar Recording (15 February session, English)
Webinar Recording (15 February session, Espanol)
The next NF Open Hours will take place on April 17-18. Stay fine-tuned for more information as we get closer to the session.

World Triathlon signs Development Agreement with Europe Triathlon in Prague

World Triathlon signs Development Agreement with Europe Triathlon in Prague

On the occasion of the Europe Triathlon Presidents’ Conference on 17 February in Prague (CZE), World Triathlon President Marisol Casado and Renato Bertrandi, Europe Triathlon President, signed off the 2024 World Triathlon - Europe Triathlon Development Agreement about 157 200 EUR grant to support the grow of triathlon in the continent.
A copy of the agreement can be found HERE.

Complete 2024 TRI Membership Obligations
World Triathlon calls its members to fulfil annual membership obligations - submit the 2023 NF Survey and 2023 financial statements and pay the membership fee - before 30 April 2024 to remain in Good Standing. Please contact us at for any further details.


Congratulations, and thank you to Triathlon Finland for being the first National Federation to fulfill membership requirements in 2024. The Barbados Federation of Island Triathletes took second place on the podium. Who will make it to the podium this year?


World Triathlon Athlete Scholarship
The 2024 World Triathlon Athlete Scholarship focuses on athletes who have the potential to qualify for the Paris Olympic Games through the Individual Olympic Ranking, the continental “new flag,” or the IOC Universality Invitational Places. Athletes must be endorsed by their National Federation from NF Groups 2, 3B and 3A.

There are only a few months left until the qualification period’s cut-off day (27 May).

World Triathlon received 43 nominations from 25 National Federations from four continents (Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Europe). The gender ratio was 65 - 35 % (28 male and 15 female applicants).

The selection panel carefully reviewed all the nominations and awarded the following athletes with the TRI Scholarship on the way to Paris 2024.

Athlete development

2024 World Triathlon Athlete Scholarship Holders
Maria Carolina Velasquez (COL)
Raquel Solis Guerro (CRC)
Erica Hawley (BER)
Romana Gajdosova (SVK)
Ivana Kuriackova (SVK)
Zuzana Michalickova   (SVK)
Jawad Abdelmoula (MAR)
Matthew Wright (BAR)
Diego Moya (CHI)
Gaspar Riveros (CHI)
Armando Matute (ECU)
Gabriel Teran (ECU)
Tyler Smith (BER)
Vitalii Vorontsov (UKR)

Petra Kurikova (CZE) and Tereza Zimovjanova (CZE) will be invited to one of the Team World Triathlon projects (either World Triathlon Cup Chengdu or Samarkand) before the closure of the Paris Olympic Qualification Period.

African Triathlon Scholarship Holders in 2024
Shanae Williams (RSA)
Seifeldeen Ismail (EGY)
Selmi Seifeddine (TUN)
Badr Siwane (MAR)
Jean Gael Laurent L`entete (MRI)

Team World Triathlon: Chengdu & Samarkand
World Triathlon named two World Triathlon Cup events (Chengdu and Samarkand) to unite and support the members for the final qualification battles of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.  World Triathlon has extended the application deadline for the project linked to the World Cup in Chengdu, China. The new application deadline is Monday, 11 March 2024 (CET).

Please check for more details here. Team World Triathlon | Development • World Triathlon

Team World Triathlon

Have you read this article about Team World Triathlon members? The road ahead to Paris for Team World Triathlon • World Triathlon


Watch inspiring stories from coaches around the world.


There are no two identical coaching journeys. Different regions of the world provide, different coaching opportunities, and challenges.

This month, we introduce the backgrounds and mindsets of colleagues from other countries and cultures - revealing their experiences, views and suggestions for up-and-coming coach generations.

This series was captured after the 2023 Seoul Korea Triathlon Federation - World Triathlon Coaches Courses.

Episode #1: World Triathlon launches Coach Education video series as part of Development program
Episode #2: Fiji coaches feature in the next episode of the Coach Education Series
Episode #3: Coaches from India and Lebanon feature in the next episode of Education video series

CRoC: month to go to complete your coach certification revalidation
Since the 1 February launch of this year’s Certificate Revalidation of Coaches (CRoC), about 27% of World Triathlon Certified Coaches have already completed their annual updates. The continental completion rates are as follows at this stage:
Africa Triathlon: 29%
Americas Triathlon: 22%
Asia Triathlon: 26%
Europe Triathlon: 26%
Oceania Triathlon: 46%


We are happy to announce that completing the anti-doping tasks of the 2024 Revalidation will also result in the eligibility to apply for event accreditations without the need to complete the High-Performance Coach Anti-Doping Education 2024.

An important reminder to those who still need to start or complete is to log in and finish their annual tasks by 31 March 2024. Please note that specific tasks will only display correctly if the Accessibility Toolbar is disabled (go to the website and click “Accessibility” to adjust.) We also ask you to double-check the completion of both anti-doping scenarios, as there was a bug in the progress display.


Applications are open for the Para triathlete support grant

ParaTriathlon_grant support

World Triathlon is proud to announce the Para triathlon support grants for 2024, to offer financial assistance to Para triathletes to prepare and attend World Triathlon sanctioned Para events in order to gain Olympic Qualification points on the way to 2024 Paris. 1 July 2024 marks the closure of the Paralympic Qualification period towards the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games. World Triathlon offers financial assistance to Para triathletes to maximise their potential to be on the blue carpet in Paris and beyond.  Successful applicants can use the grant to participate in qualifying events, recovery services, or purchasing equipment.

Online application form
For more information, please click HERE or contact Eric Angstadt, Sr. Manager Para triathlon, at


Algeria hosts community technical officials & event organisers courses back-to-back


The new host of a Development Regional Cup in Africa, Algeria, organised two World Triathlon Technical Officials and Event Organisers Community Seminars in early February in the capital city of Algiers. Mahdi Mnif, World Triathlon Technical Official Facilitator, conducted both courses back-to-back. The Fédération Algérienne de Triathlon fully funded both courses to create a solid foundation for hosting a fair and safe 2024 World Triathlon Development Regional Cup Algiers on 11 May.

European Technical Official Award of the Year
Raquel Gonzalez Cascales (ESP) and our colleague Alpar Nagy (HUN) received the Female and the Male Technical Official of the Year Award in 2023 at the European Triathlon Gala on 17 February in Prague. Congratulations to All.

Fair, Safe and FUN - Technical Officials shine in Italy
Italy hosted the first World Triathlon Winter Championships in 2024. The members of the Technical Officials Team and the LOC of the 2024 World Triathlon Winter Championships Pragelato-Sestriere conducted a world class, safe and fair event. A successful a TO and event organiser requires long working hours with a focus on ensuring a safe and fair event, with a certain required level of FUN!
Can any LOC or/and Technical Official Team top that in 2024? 

World Triathlon Education & Knowledge Hub: We are 10,000!
The World Triathlon Education & Knowledge Hub hit 10,000 users in February! Check out the latest developments and information on courses for officials, coaches, mentors and athletes alike

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