Revalidation of World Triathlon Coaches available on the Education Hub

by Courtney Akrigg on 04 Feb, 2021 05:52 • Español
Revalidation of World Triathlon Coaches available on the Education Hub

The 2021 Certification Revalidation of Coaches (CRoC) tasks are already available on the World Triathlon Education Hub, within the “Revalidation” course section, from 1 February until 31 March 2021. The World Triathlon Development team, encourages all accredited coaches to log in and start progressing the relevant tasks.

Following a three-year introductory phase of the CRoC scheme from 2021, World Triathlon are closely monitoring the timely completion of annual revalidation tasks. Only those coaches who complete all four annual tasks of their revalidation cycles will be eligible to maintain their certifications. A missing year, for a coach, will result in either a downgrade from Level 2 to Level 1 or the expiry of the Level 1 recognition. Lost statuses can be regained by taking a full certification course again on a self-funded basis.

Should you have any questions, please contact Istvan Jankov from the World Triathlon Development Team.
World Triathlon is committed to supporting the development of Triathlon worldwide and actively pursues this approach in several development initiatives. Many initiatives, such as these, form the foundations upon which National Federations, particularly developing and emerging federations, can build an athlete development pipeline – a key element of any long-term strategy. Without such a pipeline, there will not be a growth in participation to develop the wider sport and significantly less chance of developing high performing athletes.

Find out more about World Triathlon Development initiatives.

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