BG Sport Development Scholarship

by World Triathlon Admin on 08 Oct, 2006 12:00

Through its partnership with BG Group, the ITU has been able to establish a number of sport development initiatives that address the needs of young and elite athletes, particularly focusing on those from emerging and developing federations. 

Now details on one of those projects -the BG Scholarship project are available.

Project Goal
The primary objective of the scholarship programme is to identify and provide support, resources and expertise to athletes from emerging/developing National Federations to compete at World Cup, World Championship and Olympic level.
The primary objectives are:
To increase the number of NFs and athletes coming from emerging/developing NFs competing at Continental Championships and ITU World Championships at a junior, U23 and Elite level.
To increase the number of female athletes from emerging/developing NFs represented at Continental Championships and ITU World Championships at a junior, U23 and Elite level.
To increase the number of coaches from emerging/developing NFs with the knowledge and ability to develop athletes from grassroots to an elite level.

Project Outline
Athletes and coaches selected for the scholarship programme will be carefully placed in a programme commensurate with their specific needs in the interest of their progressive development to an elite level.  Placements will vary in duration and form depending on the specific outline of the programme developed by the NF in conjunction with the ITU SD Director deemed to be conducive to the athletes/coachs development needs.

Target Group
The target group will be athletes from emerging/developing National Federations who have already shown competence at a Continental Cup level and are looking to make the step up to top level training and racing but need the support in order to do so. These athletes should be seen as Olympic prospects (2008) by their National Federations. The athletes will be drawn from U23 and junior ranks (16 19 years).  Coaches who are to be considered for the scholarship programme will need to carry the support of their NF and also be currently working with national level athletes from their respective countries.

Qualification Criteria
Athletes need to be registered with their National Federations and have shown the ability to race at a high standard in Continental Cup race or World Cup level competition. The athletes nominated should be committed to competing in the long term and have the Olympic Games as an ultimate objective.

The following criteria will be considered by the ITU Sport Development Director in the selection process:
Top 5 placing at Continental Championship in U23 or Junior category in the past two years.
Top 8 placing at Continental Championship in the Elite Category in the past two years.
Must be from a country regarded as an emerging/developing country. All applications will be considered in conjunction with a strong endorsement from the athletes NFs and Continental Federations.
National Federations applying for the grants must apply for Olympic Solidarity Funding under the 2008 Beijing Athlete Scholarship Programme.

Coaches will need to be currently working with athletes from the NF and hold a responsible role within the athlete development pipeline plan of the NF.

Time Line
Applications will be sent out each year to the National Federations in the first week of October and the applications should be submitted to the ITU Sport Development

by November 24, 2006.  Successful applicants will be informed in the first week of December of each year from which time the ITU Sport Development Director and appointed officers will coordinate the plans with the successful athletes and the NF. PLEASE NOTE: All applications MUST be submitted by the National Federations.

Successful applicants (athlete and coaches) will receive the following:
Placement within a High Performance Programme as determined in conjunction with the ITU Coaches Commission; ITU Sport Development Staff; the athlete and the NF delegate designated to sport Development.
An invitation to the annual World Junior Camp held under the auspices of the ITU or another camp opportunity as determined by ITU and the respective NF.
The amount of funding allocated to each athlete or coach will depend on the matching funds obtained by the NF from IOC Solidarity grants and to the programme outline submitted by the NF for each candidate.

Evaluation and Requirements of Recipients
The athletes and coaches selected will be tracked by duration of the placement and beyond and monthly reports will be required from the candidates and the mentor coaches.

Coaches who receive the BG Scholarship will be required to present at least two (2) coaching clinics for a relevant target group of athletes/coaches in their respective region in accordance with the long term plan of their National Federation.

Athletes who receive the BG Scholarship will be required to compete in the Continental Championship and the ITU World Championship in the year of receiving the scholarship and the year after that and make themselves available for any other National Team Commitments as required by the National Federation.

All recipients must make themselves available (within reason and without interfering with the athletes training, racing and school commitments) for interviews and photo sessions to promote the programme in their own country and internationally.

Definition and Explanation of National Federation Status
For the purpose of the ITU Sport Development (Athlete and Coaching) we have categorized National Federations into three (3) categories:

Olympic NFs are those NFs who had at least two competitors at the Athens Olympics

Emerging NFs are those NFs with only one or no competitors at the Athens Olympics but have some representation at the World Championships in the Elite, U/23 or Junior Categories over the past two years.

Developing NFs are those NFs with no representation at the World Triathlon Championships in the Elite, U/23 and Junior Categories in the past two years.

The Athlete and Coaching Development Programme specifically targets Emerging and Developing NFs.


Click here to download the application form.

International Triathlon Union Sport Development

To create, support, and enhance, sustainable athlete and coach development programs worldwide Presentation to ITU Congress Lausanne 06

The International Triathlon Union is committed to supporting the development of the sport worldwide.  The ITU seeks to support these goals through strong relationships with continental and national federation constituents, working with its partners to offer a balanced sport development programme from grass roots to a high performance level.

Through its partnership with BG Group, the ITU has been able to establish a number of sport development initiatives that address the needs of young and elite athletes, particularly focusing on those from emerging and developing federations. 

These initiatives, the BG Scholarship, the BG Continental camps and Team BG Elite Athlete Development form the foundations upon which National Federations, particularly developing and emerging federations, can build an athlete development pipeline a key element of any long term performance sports strategy. Such a pipeline is important as federations, athletes and their coaches strive for sustained competitive excellence at all levels of the sport.

The closing date for submission of applications for the BG Scholarship Project is November 24, 2006.  The application process is explained within the project introduction below and the official application form must used in the application process.

Click here to download the application form.

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