World Triathlon Women's Committee presents Nelly Becerra with 2022 Award of Excellence

by on 27 Nov, 2022 01:11 • Español
World Triathlon Women's Committee presents Nelly Becerra with 2022 Award of Excellence

World Triathlon established the Women’s Committee Award of Excellence to identify and recognise individuals or organisations that have made outstanding contributions to the involvement of women and girls in the sport, at a grassroots level. This year, World Triathlon selected and presented Nelly Becerra, from the Federación Mexicana de Triatlón, with the Award of Excellence award. The 2022 World Triathlon Women’s Committee Award of Excellence was presented to Nelly, during the 35th World Triathlon Congress which concluded a spectacular 2022 Championship Finals in Abu Dhabi.

This year there were a variety of strong submissions featuring inspiring women from all around the world. The World Triathlon Women’s Committee alongside a panel of external experts, reviewed the submissions and confirmed Nelly Becerra as the winner of the 2022 Award of Excellence.

“It’s an honour to receive this award as I have been working with the women in Mexico for more than 20-years. This is the motivation for me to keep driving and pushing to have many more women as athletes, technical officials and more women in sport,” said Nelly Becerra.

Nelly has been an exceptional role model for all male and female triathletes and has dedicated her career to creating spaces where other women can enter and participate in the sport of triathlon, in a safe, welcoming and fun environment. She has been a leader, covering positions as a technical official, executive member in the federation, has been an elected member of the World Triathlon Women’s Committee, coached male and female triathletes and helped develop women to work in triathlon in managerial roles.

Marisol Casado, President of World Triathlon and IOC Member, along with Tomoko Wada, Chair of the World Triathlon Women’s Committee, congratulated and acknowledged Nelly Becerra’s wonderful dedication to the sport and presented her with the prestigious 2022 World Triathlon Women’s Committee Award of Excellence, in person at the World Triathlon Congress.

Nelly organises and delivers events dedicated to increasing female participation in Mexico, including an entire series of triathlon and running events throughout the whole country. Nelly leads by example, she is either training and racing or coaching women and girls, and organising events for them, or advocating for women representation in key positions in the triathlon world.

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