# First Name Last Name NOC
5320 Javier Barba Santano ESP
5321 Fernando Bueno Pascual ESP
5322 Valerio Chinea Mirzoyan ESP
5323 Carlos Lopez Ruiz ESP
5324 Rubén Marugán Renedo ESP
5325 Victor Royo Calavera ESP
5326 Axel De Poorter FRA
5327 Pierre Delmotte FRA
5328 Téo Katgely FRA
5329 William Atkinson GBR
5330 Sam Barratt GBR
5331 Benjamin Rushton GBR
5332 Alistair Thomson GBR
5333 Oliver Thorogood GBR
5334 Jakub Brzóska POL
5335 Michał Kostro POL
Program notes:

Due to the water temperature the race had the format swim-run. Distances: Swim 1000 m (1 lap), run 5 km (2 laps)
Technical Delegate: Alpar Nagy/HUN, Kalle Jensen/NOR, Raquel Cascales/ESP. Head Referee: Peter Thygesen/DEN
Competition Jury: Alpar Nagy/HUN, Renato Bertrandi/ITA, Alicia Garcia/ESP
Water temperature 19.2ºC, air temperature 20.0ºC. Wetsuits allowed.