
Updated: 17 Jul, 2018 08:52 pm


Did you know that almost 75% of the body (and 90% of the brain) is water? Water plays many roles in the body.

  • Helps transport nutrients to cells; increases the ability of blood to carry oxygen (very important for sports);
  • Improves health and resistance to infections; stabilizes body temperature;
  • Protects the body against EMF’s (electromagnetic fi elds) given off by computers, TV’s and many electronic devices;

How do you know you are drinking enough?

  • You should not get thirsty (thirst is a late sign of dehydration or lack of water).
  • Your urine should be light or clear (not dark yellow).

Carbohydrates (CHOs)

CHOs provide energy to the body from sugars and starches. CHO’s provide vital fuel for the brain and muscles.
Good sources of CHO include:
Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pasta, rice, whole grain bread, cereal (no added sugar), beans, legumes, some dairy products

Protein (PRO)

Protein is a nutrient used in the body to repair muscles—recovery from training, build red blood cells (necessary for carrying oxygen to the muscles), strong hair and hormones. Good sources of protein include:
Lean meats, poultry (chicken, eggs, turkey), fish, dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese), beans, legumes, nuts, combinations of grains, legumes and nuts (for vegetarians)


Fat is a source of stored energy important for low intensity and long distance training. Certain ‘good fats’ help the body absorb Vitamins A, D, E, and K.
These vitamins are essential for good eye sight, building strong bones, fighting infection, recovering from training, and brain function. Without enough good fat, the body cannot use these vitamins. Good sources of fat include:
Fish oils, natural oils (e.g. olive oil), most nuts (almonds, cashews), avocados
‘Bad fats’ include hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils– e.g. margarines, deep fried foods, most fats in processed goods—e.g. cookies, crackers, etc.


Vitamins regulate very important chemical reactions in the body and help the body use energy—but they do not actually supply the body with direct energy. Here are some major vitamins, their functions, and sources (list is not comprehensive).

Vitamin Functions Sources


Form important structures in the body. Like vitamins they do not provide direct energy.
Four important minerals for athletes are listed below. These are many more important minerals.

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