Best photos of 2021 - Tommy Zaferes

05 January, 2022

World Triathlon photographer Tommy Zaferes shares his top ten photos of 2021, in the season like no other.

Best photos of 2021 - Tommy Zaferes
This image was the first image I took of the WTCS/WTPS season. It was from Yokohama during a pre-race training session, and when I saw the opportunity to get this shot (and knowing I only had about 15 min left of the session) I just sat in the corner and waited and waited for all the legs to line up. Just over 10 minutes of waiting for the “perfect stride” with everyone synced, I finally got the shot in focus.
Best photos of 2021 - Tommy Zaferes
In Lisbon I saw this building with giant windows. I really wanted to get a cool reflection shot, but the way the road was at that point, it was a huge challenge to get the shot without having my own reflection in there as well. I ended up hiding behind a tree, and cropping just the edge so I’m not in the frame. But getting the rider in focus, as well as their reflection in the picture while they’re riding at 40KPH was hard
Best photos of 2021 - Tommy Zaferes
This image from WTCS Leeds took quite a while to get because of my position on the course, and the changing light. It was super dark under all the trees, and it was cloudy, so when the clouds would cover the sun it was ridiculously dark in this spot, but then when the sun came through it was insanely bright. I also had to find a place that was above the crowds to shoot over all their heads to capture the happy kid. So glad I spent the time and energy to get this one, makes me happy every time!
Best photos of 2021 - Tommy Zaferes
I spent wayyyyy too long trying to get this shot. The way the light was at this time made the banner “see through” for a short bit of time, but shooting through a mesh fence and getting the moving athlete on the other side in focus is not easy! I was very happy with this outcome since it was such a challenge to get, and also very unique.
Best photos of 2021 - Tommy Zaferes
Bike flying-mount shots are always cool, but getting a flying-mount pan shot is even cooler. I was stoked that I got this pan shot with someone who had such a colorful bike!
Best photos of 2021 - Tommy Zaferes
In Montreal before the Men’s Final, I saw all the shadows of the guys in the waiting area before getting called to the pontoon. I spent a long time trying to find the best angle, and when I finally did, they were about to start calling the athletes out. I had to rush to get the shot while all the guys were wandering around, but I finally got it, rotated it, and had a cool perspective shot.
Best photos of 2021 - Tommy Zaferes
This shot was a complete fluke. It was not planned at all, I was just getting a general shot of the guys pack leaving the transition zone in Edmonton, but to my surprise another rider went by right in front of me, yet I was still able to get the face of the athlete perfectly in focus straight through a gap in the riders legs and frame. Pretty cool!
Best photos of 2021 - Tommy Zaferes
In Edmonton I was excited when I saw this puddle. It was clean water, didn’t have any leaves on it, and was right in line with the run course. Every time someone runs by a puddle like this they are in the reflection for literally tenths of a second. You have to be on your A game to get a shot that’s in focus, and where the athlete is on a good run stride. It took me a good bit of time, but I eventually got this one.
Best photos of 2021 - Tommy Zaferes
Abu Dhabi has some awesome light in the early morning and late evening. Since the women were finishing during the sunset I was able to get a rare silhouette capture on the famous F1 course.
Best photos of 2021 - Tommy Zaferes
In all the years I’ve shot Abu Dhabi, I’ve never gotten a shot of the entire tunnel. When I saw there was a large group of men on the bike I ran down there as fast as I could because I knew they would be strung out going into the tunnel. I was even happier when I saw this frame included an athlete exiting the tunnel as well. Boom!