# First Name Last Name NOC
121 Florian Brungraber H2 AUT
122 Howie Sanborn H1 USA
123 Jetze Plat H2 NED
124 Nic Beveridge H1 AUS
125 Geert Schipper H2 NED
126 Jumpei Kimura H1 JPN
127 Jose Cristobal Ramos Jimenez H1 ESP
128 Giovanni Achenza H1 ITA
129 Fethi Zouinkhi H1 TUN
130 Giuseppe Romele H1 ITA
131 Joshua Landmann H2 GBR
132 Eslam Ali H1 EGY
Race conditions:  14.5°C |  18.1°C
Wetsuits: allowed
Program notes:

Technical Delegates: Thanos Nikopoulos/GRE, Bex Stubbings/GBR, Sandrine Crosnier/FRA, Carmen Gomez/ESP, Jan Philip Krawczyk/GER.
Interval start: H2 athletes started the race 03:00 after H1 athletes. The total time of the H2 athletes is the addition of the five splits plus 03:00.
Athlete #130 Romele/ITA was disqualified because he did not follow the prescribed swim course.
Athletes #125 Schipper/NED and #128 Achenza/ITA served 10 seconds penalty during the bike segment.