New Anti-Doping Video from WADA

The ITU Anti-doping Team would like to bring to your attention a doping control video on the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) website at From the website, “in order to provide athletes with basic information about their rights and responsibilities in the doping control process, WADA, in partnership with the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC), has developed a new doping control video.

This catchy 5-minute video is intended to provide a general overview of the doping control process while raising awareness of the athlete’s rights and responsibilities. The video outlines each of the phases of the doping control process:
The video, currently available in English, French, Greek and Spanish can be viewed HERE.”

If you have a question about ITU’s Anti-doping programme, please contact the ITU Anti-doping Director at {encode=“” title=“”}
