# First Name Last Name NOC
621 Ryu Nakazawa B2 JPN
622 Zhalaldin Abduvaliev B1 KGZ
623 Kin Wa Chu B2 HKG
624 Joshua Nelmida B1 PHI
625 Jerome Nelmida B1 PHI
Program notes:

Technical Delegate: Koji Koganezawa/JPN. Race Referee: Daniel Sng/SGP. Competition Jury: Koji Koganezawa/JPN, Justin Park/KOR, Tom Carrasco/PHI. Distanes: Swim 375 m (1 lap), Bike 20.9 km (3 lap), Run 5 km (2 laps). Swim. Distances: was reduced due to string wind and high waves. Water temperature 31ºC. Wetsuits not allowed. All Athletes in the start list finshed the race. Staggered start: B2 and B3. Athletes started the race 3:16 after the B1. Athletes. Total time for B2 and B3. Athletes is the result to add the 5 splits plus 3:16.