# First Name Last Name NOC
601 Atsuko Maruo B2 JPN
602 Amy Dixon B3 USA
603 Elizabeth Baker B3 USA
604 Katie Kelly B3 AUS
605 Jessica Tuomela B1 CAN
Program notes:

Technical Delegate: Roberto Menescal/BRA. Race Referee: Ulf Schuetze/CAN. Competition Jury: Roberto Menescal/BRA, Kris Gemmell/NZL, Les Pereira/CAN. Distances: Swim 750m (1 lap), Bike 20.4 km (4 laps), Run 5 km (2 laps). Water temperature: 23.3ºC. Air Temperature: 22.0ºC. Wetsuits allowed. Staggered Start. B1. Athletes started the race 3.42 before the B2 and B3 ahletes. Total time for B2 and B3. Athletes is the addition of the 5 splits plus 3.42.