Information to all athletes at the 2015 Motala ITU Long Distance Triathlon World Championships.
Due to weather and water conditions in Motala there will be a modification to the swim distance.
At 8 am Friday morning water temperature was measured to 14.0 and air temperature 13.8. The Medical and Technical Delegate has agreed that based on the conditions over the last days as well as the forecast for race day we will move forward with a 1500 meter swim. This provided that there are no major changes in conditions at 8 am race day morning.
The swim will be one lap of 1500 meters.
This will mean the following changes on the start times:
09:25 Start Elite
09:35 Wave 1
09:45 Wave 2
09:46 Para TRI
Transition will open at 6 am.
1.5 km
1x1.5 m
The swim takes place in the beautiful clear and clean bay of Motala where the water temperature in June reaches about 17 degrees.
120 km
3x40 km
After leaving the TA, the course takes the athletes out on the pretty countryside. The course has one challenging uphill and passes the center of Motala on each lap.
3x10 km
The run course goes on 2,5 km unpaved roads and trails per lap and major part goes along the gorgeous shore of lake Vättern.
All three elements are audience-friendly and and will give the audience a close connection to the participants and vice versa.
Prize money distribution. Elite men and women:
1st. 11,250 USD
2nd. 9,000 USD
3rd. 6,750 USD
4th. 4,500 USD
5th. 3,150 USD
6th. 2,700 USD
7th. 2,250 USD
8th. 1,350 USD
9th. 1,015USD
10th. 785 USD
11th. 675 USD
12th. 565 USD
13th. 450 USD
14th. 335 USD
15th. 225 USD
IBAN: SE94 1200 0000 0128 8013 1340
Bank: Danske Bank
Account holder: Motala AIF Idrottsallians