PHOTOS ARE AVAILABLE HERE: http://rvl-photo.com/index.php?/categories
Athletes Guide: http://www.triathlon.org/uploads/events/2015_Besancon_Paratiathletes_Guide_rev.pdf
Swim: 900m
One line, River (current) deep water start beside pontoon
Map: http://www.triathlon.org/uploads/events/01-_Swim_Course.jpg
Bike: 22 km
3 laps, technical
Map: http://www.triathlon.org/uploads/events/02_-_Bike_Course.jpg
Run: 5 km
2 laps, city run
Map: http://www.triathlon.org/uploads/events/03_-_Run_Course_rev.jpg
Athletes have to be registered by their National Federation through ITU.
Entry fees will have to be paid on IBAN: FR76 3000 3004 9600 0500 2956 271 until May 24th, Order must be confirm to LOC : david.travadon@sfr.fr
Only late entries can be paid cash after the Briefing, to receive the race package