2014 Horst ETU Powerman Long Distance and Sprint Duathlon European Championships

1. Every participant has to take for registration and payment on LOC Power man Holland website. NF may take care for some participants. Contact your NF
2. National Federations have to take care for registration of their National representatives on the ITU website for the
Long Distance Duathlon European Championships (Elite, AG, Para):
DISTANCES: Run 15 km (6 laps), bike 60 km (3 laps), run 7,5 km (3 laps)
Start and finish are in the town centre of Horst, on the Wilhelminaplein.Inside town, the courses are marked with fences and signs. Outside town the courses are signed out. Volunteers will mark the route on all intersections All courses will be marked out on Saturday morning and will then be closed for all traffic
RUN COURSE (1e run): 15 km (6 laps)
The run course (see map below) is a certified lap of 2.500 metres and will be run clockwise. Along the run course, you will find one aid / refreshments station (Groenewoudstraat). In the opening run, all athletes have to run six full laps
BIKE COURSE: 60 km (3 laps)
The bike course consists of three laps of 20km each, and will be biked counter-clockwise.
Along the bike course, you will find one aid/refreshments station (Herstraat), as well as the coach zone and wheel station.
RUN COURSE (2nd run): 7.5 km (3 laps)The closing run is on the same course as the opening run, but with only three laps to go.
Sprint Duathlon European Championships (Elite, U23, AG and Para):
DISTANCES: 5 km run (2 laps), 20 km bike (1 laps), 2,5 km run (1 lap)- flat courses- 23m above sealevel
Start and finish are in the town centre of Horst, on the Wilhelminaplein.
Inside town, the courses are marked with fences and signs. Outside town the courses are signed out. Volunteers will mark the route on all intersections All courses will be marked out on Saturday morning and will then be closed for all traffic.
1st RUN :
5 km run (2 laps),
Number of laps: 20 km bike (1 laps),
The bike course consists one lap of 20km each and will be biked counter-clockwise.
Along the bike course, you will find one aid/refreshments station (Herstraat), as well as the coach zone and wheel station.
2ND RUN: 2,5 km run (1 lap)
The closing run is on the same course as the opening run, but with only one lap to go.
Venue map: http://www.triathlon.org/uploads/events/Venue_map.jpg
Bike course: http://www.triathlon.org/uploads/events/Bike_course_5.jpg
Run course: http://www.triathlon.org/uploads/events/Run_course_6.jpg
Prize money distribution. Long Distance Elite men and women:
1st. 1,125 EUR
2nd. 940 EUR
3rd. 750 EUR
4th. 560 EUR
5th. 375 EUR
Sprint Distance Elite men and women:
1st. 625 EUR
2nd. 375 EUR
3rd. 250 EUR