- Objectives, Strategy, Pathway
- Community Level Coaching Course
- Level 1 Coach Certification
- Level 2 Coach Certification
- Revalidation of Coaches Scheme
- Accredited Coach Education Program
- Coach Education Partnership Programme
- Continuing Professional Development Courses
- World Triathlon Coach Facilitators
- Documents
- Calendar
- Education

Development course page
Basic Information
Course Language: Spanish
Facilitator: Mónica Flores,Paco Soriano,Esther Sánchez
Contact: Comité de Oficiales | FETRI
Course Venue: Madrid
About the course
The World Triathlon Accredited Technical Officials’ Education Programme (ATOEP), targets developed National Federations with an existing Technical Officials’ Education Programme and provides the opportunity for these NFs to have their existing programmes accredited.
The accreditation will be based on four principles:
1. The NFs’ Technical Official’s levels have to match at one point with the World Triathlon Level 1 (NTO).
2. The NFs’ Technical Official education programme has to include a three (3) level education pathway of their National Technical Officials (NTOs).
3. The Competition Rules of the NF must match with the World Triathlon Competition Rules.
4. The NF structure has to comply with World Triathlon Constitution.
The accreditation process will be articulated in several phases.
1. Request and programme submission
2. Programme evaluation
3. Accreditation
4. Control by World Triathlon
5. Revision
The Accredited NFs will inform World Triathlon about the NTO courses they are holding, with the place, date, programe and facilitator(s)’ names. At the end of each calendar year, these NFs can submit to World. Triathlon a list with their new NTOs, who have to comply with all the requirements, including officiating in a World Triathlon event.
Local information
Host Hotel: Hotel Amura