2016 Guwahati ASTC - ITU South Asia Development Camp

06 - 11 Feb, 2016 • Guwahati, India
Application Deadline: 29 Jan 2016

Course Language: English

Camp venue:
DR. Zakir Hussain Aquatic Complex
Sarusajai sports complex
Guwahati ( Assam)

Invited nations: India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives

Maximum Participants: 15 athletes (NF must send at least 1 coach with their athletes)
Participants’ requirement:
 Entry should be applied through participants’ NFs
 Prepare good Swim, Bike, Run Gears(cracked helmets not allowed)
 Insurance certificate required
Entry and selection procedure
  All the athletes who take part in the South Asian Games Triathlon will be invited
  Airfare, accommodation, and meals for invited athletes and coaches will be covered.

Local Info
Travel Information

Guwahati International Airport
Local transportation contact: Mr.J. Dutta Baruaha, phone: 91 9435017295
Visa requitements: Rakesh Gupta at gupta.rakesh1952@gmail.com

  • Facilitator: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
  • Contact: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
    91 9868875875 • 91 11 26852386
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